Performing all activities related to the conversion of various currencies and sending currency transactions in the shortest possible time in ESPINAS EXCHANGE with fully professional and accountable staff in all fields and guidance and counsel for the optimal performance of all foreign exchange
ESPINAS EXCHANGE has official license issued by the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Officially licensed to send a variety of foreign exchange deals to Europe, America, Australia, East Asia and other parts of the world
Perform all stages of all foreign exchange activities in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran and provide a valid and official invoice in all transactions with the serial number of banknotes and sending the receipt of remittances by telegram at the fastest time
ESPINAS EXCHANGE, the best Currency Exchange at the AVAN Commercial Complex, using the most comprehensive security controls, provides a completely safe and secure environment for all financial transactions
ESPINAS EXCHANGE EDRIS MOHAMMADI Partnership Exchange Company Registration No : 525329 Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran License No : 367657
Buy and sell banknotes and coins Send money to all parts of the world Western Union
Unit 1 , Ground Floor AVAN Commercail Complex Andarzgoo blvd Farmanieh Tehran Iran
TEL : ( 021 ) 222 0 222 7 FAX : ( 021 ) 263 72 774 Mobile : 0912 214 12 19